How can I view and access course materials?
Once you have logged into Learn Hub, you will be automatically taken to your home dashboard. Here you can see your courses – please click into them to access all course content. This is the same process for how your students access their courses.
You can go back to your dashboard at any time by clicking the Learn Hub logo in the top left corner.
How can I print the course content?
In your dashboard, click into the course you would like to access. On the course home page, click into Teacher Resources. Here you can access the full course content in PDF form – such as the lesson content, quizzes, and supplementary activities.
For all forms of quizzes, we have included a “handout” version that students can use as a worksheet, plus a version for teachers with the correct answers.
How do I add students and teachers into classrooms?
Navigate to the “for teachers” tab in top menu. You will now be looking at the teacher dashboard. This is where you will create your classrooms, add your students. as well as any additional teacher accounts.
Once in the teacher dashboard, you will see the name of your school. Click “manage school” > “add class”.
Add the class name, and flll in the details of the teacher who will be teaching the class. Do you plan to teach the class yourself? Click “teacher already exists” and choose yourself from the drop-down to teach the class.
Add the courses you want the students in this specific class to take by using the black arrows.
You can create as many different classrooms as you require. If you just plan to have one class where all students will take the same content – feel free to just create one class.
Once you have created your class, you may now add your students. Please note, if you had added additional teachers to this classroom, they are also able to add students to the class. The steps are as follows.
While in the classroom click “students”. Here you have a choice to manually add students one-by-one by clicking “add student”, or you may use the “import list” button to import a CSV file. There is a template within this button to help you do so.
Please retain your student’s username and passwords. You will need to give them these details so they can log into Learn Hub.
Is there a notice board on the platform where I can leave messages for the students?
Yes there is. To do so, navigate to the “for teachers” tab in top menu to get to your teacher dashboard. From here, click “students” > “email class” > “broadcast messages”. Here you are able to write messages to all of the students in your class, which will appear on the notice board (which can be found on your home dashboard). Please note, this is not a two-way communication. The students are unable to comment back.
How do I see reporting data and stats on my student's progress?
Please navigate to your teacher dashboard. Click “students” in whichever course you would like to report on. Once on the class page, you will see reporting data at the bottom of the page. You can filter the data by “student name” and “course name”.
To see an overview of all of the classes in your school, come out of your class and back into your main teacher dashboard. The “school report” is at the bottom of this page.
How do I add the new Unit 2 courses to my classrooms?
Only Group Leaders have the ability to add and remove courses from classrooms.
As the Group Leader of your school, please navigate to the Teacher Dashboard by clicking “for Teachers” in the navigation menu.
From the Teacher Dashboard, you will be able to see the green “courses” button next to each classroom. Please click this button, and from here you can add and remove courses from the classroom as you wish.